Security & Trust Center
Your data security is our top priority
Help investigate a security incident in your Databricks workspace
If you suspect your workspace data may have been compromised or you have noticed inconsistencies or inaccuracies in your data, please report it to Databricks ASAP.
Report SPAM or suspicious communications originating from Databricks
If you have received SPAM or any communications that you believe are fraudulent, or that have inappropriate, improper content or malware, please contact Databricks ASAP.
Understand an internal vulnerability scanner report against a Databricks product
For help analyzing a vulnerability scan report, please raise a support request through your Databricks support channel, submitting the product version, any specific configuration, the specific report output and how the scan was conducted.
Understand how a CVE impacts a Databricks workspace or runtime
If you need information on the impact of a third-party CVE, or a Databricks CVE, please raise a support request through your Databricks support channel, and provide the CVE description, severity and references found on the National Vulnerability Database
Report a bug in Databricks products or services
If you have found a reproducible vulnerability in any of our products, we want to know so that we can resolve it. Please join our public bug bounty program facilitated by HackerOne.